Medix Pro-Split vs. Sure Step

The Medix pro-split drug cup and the Sure Step drug cup are very identical. They look the same, are used in the same way, cost the same, and are made by the same people.

The only difference is the Medix cup has one less test strip than the Sure Step. This means the Medix is more likely to run a consistent test, as there is more urine available per strip!

Watch this short video below to learn more:

Selecting people for random drug testing

Random drug testing is carried out on a random selection of the team.

The intention of random testing is awareness: to ensure people think “It’s work tomorrow and I could be tested” so they make choices that will keep them and others safe at work.

We encourage customers to ensure their random testing is actually random.
It’s fairly common to carry out “random” testing which happens to include someone you are suspicious of.
If you are suspicious of them, it’s for a reason! Have a discussion with them, test them under a reasonable cause provision, and take action on a confirmed positive drug test – or have a further discussion about what else might be wrong if you get a negative drug test.

Actually-random testing often means picking up problems that you aren’t aware of, before it escalates.

Controls storage requirements

If you’re having troubles with controls, it’s more likely to be the controls you are using, rather than the cups you are testing!

A large part of this is due to the storage requirements for controls. Here’s an outline of what the spec sheet for the Detectabuse brand of controls says:

Stable until the expiration date when stored in the freezer (-10ºC to -20ºC) or the fridge (2ºC to 8ºC).

Stable for up to 6 months when stored in a freezer (-10ºC to -20ºC). Can be thawed/frozen up to 5 times.
Stable for 31 days when stored in the fridge (2ºC to 8ºC).

Most testers around the country are storing controls solutions in the fridge, but are unaware that the controls will become unstable after a month!

Personal Breathalysers – The Lifeloc FC10

The Lifeloc FC10 is our recommended breathalyser for personal use testing. It is very reliable and will last you 10 + years if looked after! This breathalyser is verified to the AS 3547:1997 standard. It does not comply with the new AS 3547:2019 breathalyser standard.

These great little gadgets help us to keep New Zealand families safe, particularly on the road. They have the ability to test in passive and auto mode, and come with a water-proof, shock-proof case!

If you have any questions, give us a call on 0800 700 777.

Alcohol readings aren’t lowered by anything in the mouth

When you consume alcohol, it goes through the digestive system and into your bloodstream.
As your blood circulates through your lungs, it releases ethanol vapour which comes our in your breath.

Any alcohol content in your breath has come from deep down in your lungs, and is constantly renewed from the alcohol content in your bloodstream.

There’s a lot of myths about what you can do to reduce your alcohol level. They’re almost all based on doing something in your mouth, which doesn’t work, because the alcohol comes from… your lungs!

For example:

  • Eating mints doesn’t reduce your alcohol level. It makes your mouth feel fresh, but it doesn’t do anything for the alcohol from your lungs.
  • Sucking on a lemon also doesn’t work.
  • Sucking on coins doesn’t work for the same reason.
  • Using something to soak up liquid in your mouth will only work (briefly) if you have alcohol in your mouth. It won’t do anything for the alcohol on your breath.
  • Having liquid air fresheners in the car doesn’t do anything to help your alcohol level, and are actually counter-effective! These are usually made up of fragrances dissolved in ethanol. When you clip an air freshener onto the air vents in your car, the air blows through and sends the ethanol circulating around your car. You’ll end up with a low level of alcohol in the air of the car… not enough to affect you, but enough to be picked up by a breathalyser.
  • Pills and medications such as Quick-Eze don’t work… These go into your digestive system, and it’s multiple hours before they’ll do anything to your alcohol level (if they even do anything at all).

There are things that do work to reduce your alcohol level: drink plenty of water, and eat plenty of food. These take time, and reduce your alcohol level by diluting the amount of alcohol present in your bloodstream.

Indications that your company might have a drug problem…

Does your company experience any of the following?

  • Repetitive staff absences with little or no explanation
  • Constant low-level machinery and vehicle damage
  • Instances of dishonesty and theft
  • Large variations in productivity from day-to-day with individual people, i.e mood swings, erratic behaviour, and forgetfulness
  • Tasks completed poorly or not at all
  • High levels of disciplinary actions undertaken
  • Sudden unexplained drops in performance
  • Particular individuals that pick fights, or are often irritable

These are common symptoms seen when someone is abusing drugs. If they’re erratic at work, they’re also unsafe at work.

If they get hurt in an accident, what is your legal liability in that case?