You’ve come to the right place to find out about the Lifeloc LX9 breathalyser calibration.
Click the button below to download the calibration form. Fill in all the relevant details, put it with the breathalyser and sent it up to us!
The Lifeloc LX9 is a part of the L-series of breathalysers. It is fairly similar to the Lifeloc LT7, just a model up. The Lifeloc LX9 has a response time of ~3 seconds. This means if you were testing 20 people, you could complete this process in one minute!
There are a few features which distinguish the two. The Lifeloc LX9 has GPS and Bluetooth capabilities.
GPS means the breathalyser can give accurate positioning information on the location of the testing.
If you would like printed results, the Bluetooth capability means you can connect to wireless printers and keyboards.
This breathalyser is verified to the AS 3547:2019 standard, so you can be very sure you have an accurate and reliable workplace testing breathalyser.
Send your breathalyser up to us to get your Lifeloc LX9 breathalyser calibration.
Check out our breathalyser options here.
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