Breathalyser Calibration

Calibration of breathalysers is needed to maintain the accuracy of the sensor which measures your breath alcohol content.

For workplace alcohol testing, regular calibration is a requirement to remain in compliance.

Calibration is done in-house for all the breathalysers that we supply. We use two different methods for calibrating – wet bath and dry gas. Calibration is required every 12 months for the Lifeloc LT7, and every 6 months for other breathalyser models, in accordance with AS 3547:2019.

Book in your breathalyser for calibration by filling in the form below. Include all your details then send your breathalyser to us. Once received, we will calibrate and send back to you again within 24 – 48 hours!

All calibrations are freight free but have an $8 packaging & handling fee.

Please note: we currently aren’t able to calibrate any Alcolizer breathalysers like we have in the past. We suggest you go to either Alcolizer Technology or Advance Diagnostics, to get an Alcolizer device calibrated.
As always, we’re more than happy to help if you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

Sober Check Calibration Equipment